
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to build a definition that checks a curve for a minimum radius.

Hi you all

I´m during af project where I make an almost closet curve smaller by offsetting it towards the center of the curve, and then again and again by connecting it to a HoopSnake Component. 

My Actually question: I want to stop offsetting when the curve at any given point (or almost) turns into a curvature with a preset radius. 

Any help or links that might find my interest will be appreciated greatly. 

- Michael 

Views: 2333


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As seen on the screenshot, I can control the curvature, but I want to automatically set this op. Like checking for errors of the minimum curve radius.

I try to avoid Galapagos and HoopSnake.

Any suggestions? Or am I going to script this solution?

You could evaluate the curvature radius at a lot of positions along each curve, then pick the smallest one. But you'll have to create the offset before you know whether it's an acceptable curve, so you may need to create a lot of offset curves and filter out the bad ones afterwards unless you're using Hoopsnake, Galapagos or scripting.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David

Thanks a lot for your answer. Just to have it cleared. Right know the way I checks the curve for low radius is by "Animate" a slider in example 1000 frames, and then afterwards checks the list for the radius or a criterion of true and false values. 

Is it correctly understood, that I have to use HS, Galapagos or scripting to automatical this proces?

Thanks In Advance, Michael

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