
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Growth of cubes by mirroring towards a selection of nearby points - Hoopsnake with a bug...

I have been modifying a definition that I made that generates a linear growth of cubes by mirroring, so that instead of randomly selecting faces to mirror about, it grows towards a selection of randomly placed points that are closest to it.

Unfortunately the definition has a bug in it that I can't spot, so it doesn't work yet...

If anyone is able to point out where I've gone wrong, I would be very grateful!

Previous exercise growing in random directions:

Current GH file:

Growth towards nearest points [not working yet]

Thanks for your ideas!


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I can't really find your bug, modified a bit your def and it seems to work, but it wasnt working 1 minute ago with same modifications (weird error message in HS window, I never seen before). I remade it with a new HS component and it looks ok. Probably some malfunction in Hoopsnake.


Thanks very much for that! - It seems to work as I was expecting now.

As far as I can see, the only parts you changed were swapping 2x 'merge' for 'entwine', and adding a limiting factor into Hoopsnake. Do you think it was either of those that was the problem, or was it just a bug that particular instance of Hoopsnake?

Also any chance you could explain th difference between merge and entwine?



I also added the second output of Bang to the second input of merge/entwine, to keep trace of cubes.

I dont think swapping merge for entwine really solved any problem, entwine just make cleaner paths in your case.

Merge will mmh well errm merge data if paths provided are the same.

Entwine will create a new branch for each input.

I see! Silly question now I come to think about it...


Hi, im working on my thesis project and it uses growth, i downloaded your definition and modified it to grow inside a brep, this is one of the results of the growth process.

thanks for sharing the initial gh file its been really useful !!


Thats good! - I did a similar thing when I got it working, but never took it beyond an idea into a more complex project. Yours looks like you're planning something on a real site - out of curiosity, what is the project that you're using it for?

Glad the GH definition was of use to you!

All the best,







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