
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Problem with creating opening in planar surface when uv subdivisions increase.

i have made a definition that creates a faceted wall and then creates circles in the faces that are within an acceptable range of angles (15-90 degrees from z-axis). it is a design for a wine cellar storage wall. the definition works fine at low uv subdivision but when i get up to u=5, v=5 subdivisions, the definition starts to act up. the circles do not subtract properly so i cannot get an opening. the more uv subdivisions i have, the more errors i get.

does anyone know what i am doing wrongly?

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You create some circles in each triangular surface, but when increasing UV divisions some circles wont be strictly inside their surface, so they wont create holes.

However you have some sliders in your definition to control the size of the circles and patterns:

So you can fix the problem manually

The main problem isnt about that though, and is easier to fix: set the tolerance in Rhino to 0.001 (or lower) instead of 0.01.

thanks Systemiq!

i did manage to fix the circles that crossed beyond the triangular surfaces by reducing the radii but still had problems with circles within their triangular surfaces that did not cut openings. thankfully, by reducing the Rhino tolerance, everything has been resolved!






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