
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

My background is in Java but I'd like to write a C#.NET plugin in Rhino or Grasshopper (whichever is the best route) that automatically adds/removes standard GH components and perhaps in addition can tweak the graph (wire) topology.

I've read Tom Copple's post from a few weeks back with some good suggestions on driving grasshopper externally but I'm quite keen on being able to visually see the graph being updated automatically.

I suspect this is pretty tricky so any advice welcome - even to tell me its impossible! I'm up for some hard work.



Views: 779

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Hi John,


basically you need to create a GH_Document from scratch. It's not difficult, you just need to write code for every operation.


If you load your document into the canvas , then you can also use the InstantiateNewObject() method on GH_Canvas, which takes care of a bunch of standard stuff (it's the same function I call when dragging a component from the tab onto the canvas).


I attached a VB script component which launches a Window with a button. When this button is pressed a new document will be created, loaded and populated. Hopefully it will tell you all you need to know.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


Many thanks David,


The script shows actually what I need so much appreciated. $:)

Pleased to discover the canvas is accessible like this. Complete newbie to the grasshopper SDK, looks very promising so looking forward to getting stuck in.








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