
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Does anyone know how I can move a point a fixed distance (for example 1 cm) along a 2 point vector.


I have a curve that does not have a comon centre for the whole curve and now i would like to give it a thickness by extruding the curve inwards. Since Extrude only works in one direction I am tying to move point on the curve instead and then create a new curve from them to loft the first curve with.

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Hi Emma,


you can add a "Amplitude" component (you can find it in the tab Vector --> Vector) to do this.

In the V you input your vector from your "Vector 2Pt" component and in the A you connect a slider, then the points move along these vectors using the value of the slider.

Hope this is how you expect it.




In essence you want to offset the curve. Are taking this approach as a work around for the offset issues?

If so here is my method for getting consistent results from the Offset Component. It is principally aimed at closed curves which have an inside and an outside, but it would work for your scenario just as well.

How it works:

1) offset the curve in both directions

2) Trap any zero distance input

3) Measure the length of the results

4) Alter the results according to the sign of the intended offset direction

5) return the largest curve (note: if both numbers are -ve then the largest is the shortest)







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