
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello! I am trying to make use of the fibonacci sequence to draw a branching pattern but I do not know how to start. The method i'm using now is just simply duplicating certain components, instead of writing the script in the true parametric way. I would appreciate very much if any expert here could assist in this matter.

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Hi, I can't see what your image "in rhino.jpg" has to do with the fibonacci sequence. Can you explain a bit more, please? I'm attaching an image of what I thought was fibonacci branching:

The image "in rhino.jpg" that i attached was indeed not fibonacci sequence at all - this was just my attempt in drawing branches. So far all i could find on the internet was simple binary branch. This is why I raised my question that how I could develop branches using fibonacci sequence rather than in a binary fashion. I can get the logic of the fibonacci sequence is: A -> B, B -> A+B . Any idea on this topic is always welcome. Thanks.
This one is called binary splitting:






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