
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

"exponential" spacing on a curve, based on the dimension on a curve.

Hi yall

I've been searching the forums for an answer but with no luck.

I'm trying, as a start for a more complex deal as you guys can imagine, to array a closed curve along an arc with (for lack of better word) "exponential spacing.

The idea would be to start from one end of the arc with a small spacing, and at the end with a large spacing. Sounds very simple I know.

To explain better, here is a snapshot of my GH and Rhino file. As you can see, dividing the arc evenly was easy. The tough part (for me) is to play with the division factor.

Thanks for your help.





Views: 6367


Replies to This Discussion

You can Evaluate a curve by length and therefore you can provide a numerical series with the spacing you desire as a factor of 0 to 1.

Thanks a lot for your reply Danny.

You think you could post or send me this little file you created so that I can have a better understanding of how you did it? I use build 0.80002, and I'm not sure I found the icon to look like yours...

I cannot send you the file as it was written in 0.8.0053.


The components are:

Plane -->

Slider --> Pi --> Arc --> Eval Length

Range --> Graph Mapper -->


Locations of the odd ones:

Curve>Analysis>Evaluate Length


Params>Special>Graph Mapper


Range's inputs D = a domain of 0 to 1 and N = 10

Graph Mapper type is a Bezier


EDIT: That should really say it would do you no good to send the file as...

Of course I can post the file but you will only be able to open it with 0.8.0050 or later 

Don't worry Danny, I just copied the routine from the image and it works fine, thanks a lot!







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