
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey there,


I have a basic question which probably has a frustratingly simple answer to it. I have a mesh which has a regular wireframe of 20x20 faces.


Is there a way of increasing the density in certain areas of the mesh whilst keeping the regular density in other places?


Also i was wondering instead of a grid would it be possible to have different wireframe representations of the mesh, for example, a radial pattern.


I am investigating how to do this on grasshopper at the moment, but would really appreciate any advice that would spped up my snail-like progress.


Many thanks for any help!



Views: 2723

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Antony,


To change the mesh density I would do the following thing:

-Explode the initial mesh
-Find the mid point of each face
-Create a cut line at the middle of each row
-Create a cutting mesh at the middle of each row from cut line
-Dispatch the cut mesh faces according to a point agent
-Split the mesh 
-Join it again


Have a look at the attached file.

Hope that helps.






Hey Arthur,


Im having a bit of trouble with the creating the cut plane part. Im getting a runtime error on the MESH button, which you have as well in your GH file, except my button is red and not creating a plane for some reason.






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