
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Don't get why the isocurve component wouldn't work for this example to extract isocurves at points along the Z axis. Either it doesn't like my geometry or the points that I am asking it to extract at...? But don't get why...It is a simple geometry and clearly defined points.

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Isocurves are defined by UV co-ordinates of the surfaces domain which is only 2D so there is now "Z" component. 

What you are trying to define are 3D points in space which don't have the same relationship with the 2D surface domain.

If you want to use this approach I would suggets generating XY planes at those points and intersecting the Surface with a Plane.


Hey Danny,


So that makes sense that I was trying to send a 3 dim domain to a 2 dim component so it wasn't working. It doesn't seem to make a lot of sense as to why when you put your isocurve points on the Y axis you are extracting isocurves parallel to the X axis at increments in the Z direction. Then when I use the X axis for my points, it extracts isocurves in the other direction. What is the explanation for points along the XY axis defining isocurves with center points along the Z axis?...something to do with UV coordinates?


Thanks again!







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