
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I thought this was going to be a very simple task but now I'm stumped.


I have these profiles that I'm attempting to connect with lines, divide those lines, and then draw closed polylines on the division points (see rhino screenshot below, left side is what I'm describing. there is also a note in the screenshot of the GH file)


Unfortunately it doesn't work for multiple cell inputs.


I've also tried flattening the points into one big list and re-creating the polylines with sublists but with no luck. The points are not ordered the way it would need to be to use sublists from domains created by 2 series of numbers. So this is problematic becuase each cell has a different number of vertices. That method would work if I can create unevenly spaced intervals that match the number of vertices on a given input, but I'm not sure how to do that.

Like would it be possible to create a series of numbers whos step size varies with each step? e.g. series that starts at 0, steps up in size 5, then 7, then 11, etc. ant there are x amount of values in the series?


Any ideas how to get this working? Either with this definition or a different method?




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How about this:


I just realized something. I had simplified the definition I posted to make it more clear, but I left out a crucial point: I actually need to divide the lines by different amounts for each cell (where in both our definitions we had a panel with a value of 5, I will actually need that to be a list of numbers, so that each cell can be divided by a number based on the lenght of the line).


ANy ideas?




That's great, thank You!


The only thing that I'm confused about is the "i" in the path mapper. Could you explain whats going on there to me?


Thanks again,


If you just want the frames...the frame curves need to be planar.









Thanks for the reply. The problem is that I now need the number of frames to be different for each one. Is that easily doable?


Also each input curve will not necessarily be planar, which is why I was trying to create lines and then divide them.

THanks in advance,


What's your final goal here?  Do you have something that shows the final intended result?



Hopefully this is more clear. I need to be able to divide each cell into a varying number of frames (polylines ultimately). The input curves will not necessarily be planar, so dividing lines or using isocurves is probably the best way. I just plugged in a surface divide component to show how I would like the divisions to vary (I just need them as lines/curves, not points.)


Also the examples dont show it well, but the cells are not extrusions, they will be smaller on one side and larger on the other.


THanks again for all your help,


Figured it out, was really simple. I just used the divide surface component to basically make end points that I created lines with which were then joined. This way each cell can be divided by different numbers of segments.


thanks for your help!






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