
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How can i connect 20 component's output to a componentt's input in one time?

now i have 20 component, i want to connect all their out put to a conponent'sin put

so i have to hold shift, and connect them one by one

and if i make a mistake and not hold shift, i have to do it again


how can i do this job quicker? can grasshopper add this function in the future?

Views: 2458

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do you know these ones?: Disconnecting specific ones

changing all at ones:strg shift


in this discussion are some nice onformations and timesafers.


Best Regards



how do you do "changing all at ones:strg shift"????? sorry i did not understand what that means, woould you please explain ?

If you have an input or an output with multiple wires, you can change them at ones.


1. push and hold shift and Ctrl at once

2. while that use the mouse with a left click (hold it)

3. release the mouse and the keys at once at the new destination.

Is Strg German for Ctrl?

oh I am sorry! Embarrassing!

my concentration slipped for a moment


Thank you Dedackelzucht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Dedackelzucht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Dedackelzucht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Dedackelzucht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Dedackelzucht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Dedackelzucht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Dedackelzucht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Dedackelzucht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You shouldn't have to start all over, you should be able to undo wire changes.



David Rutten

Leusden, Holland

If i have 20 sliders and have a galapagos, i suggest grasshoppper to add a function: that can connect galapagos and the 20 sliders at one time.


this is just a sugestion

select all sliders, right click on the galapagos Genome input, choose 'selected sliders'.
thank you very much





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