
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


for an art-project I want to build a foam-like structure. after some research i found out that the weaire-phelan-structure (which was also the form-giving-structure for the aquatic center in beijing) is a possibility for visualizing foam. Since I am not really into 3-D-modelling - I am more the chaotic, arty person ; ), I just know more or less the basics of Rhino, Grasshopper and Cinema 4D, I am now wondering how its possible to build this mathematically defined geometry... On the surface evolver site i found the mathematical definitions of that structure, but how can I bring these into a shape in a 3D-software?? I attached a pic of the structure and the mathematical formula... I dont know if the surface evolver could be of any help in this case, since somehow i cant get it running on my computer...
It would be great if anyone had an advice for this problem, since I am a bit helpless with it...

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Replies to This Discussion

Cool, I will try that out, thanks a lot : )!





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