
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone I'm new to Grasshopper and I'm trying a couple of tuts to get started.I'm trying to create a "bridge generator" wich from a basic curve as the main path would generate somehow the whole structure.It'd be made of circle archs linked by steel trusses winding around.
Thats what I achieved so far. It's fine this way, but the division of the "archs" are based on a known and common value for the radius.




I get troubles when I go for modifying randomly the radius of the circles, this way :

And trying the Divide curve operator works for generating the points, but then I cant use the list of points I get... Any idea to sort it in a right way to Interpolate a winding spiral?


Thanx a lot for your help!

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Hi again Danny.


Here is my last question...

I've got troubles using the last .ghx you sent me. it was like working on many curves but now I'm trying on the final situation I'd like to render, it's messed up. Just look how the vectors come out after the "sorting list" component (I just insert a "visualize vectors"...) (All the end of the definition isnt creating trouble)


Problems is that the circles look ok, but actually with the spiral script it becomes obvious that vectors flip at a certain point. (I've setted the viewport on this critical point)


Thx a lot once again


You can use the Flip Component (Flip Curve Direction) to correct this. There is an optional guide curve input that allows you to force a direction if it does not comply. In this case you would use the first curve in your set and the only curve that would be flipped is the 58th.

The workaround doesnt work here... What is the integer you have in your "list index" component?


But still what I dont get is that the vectors you are visualizing are supposed to be the "normal vectors of circle planes". but obviously, as I can see on the screen, they are not, right?

Well I got my workaround. I actually splitted the vector list from the 58th and flipped the second half... merge and go!


But I still dont get what's wrong with the overall script :(

Sorry Danny, again one basic issue


Am just trying to move some planes according to vectors. It doesnt work at all... My vectors planes etc... seem well sorted...



You are using the unsorted values of t to generate your pFrames therefore the order of your transform vectors is not the same as the pframes.


I have corrected it below but also change a few components whilst I was investigating the problem.








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