
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello all.
i have the following setup:
a rhino-curve, offset by a grasshopper component, both subdivided with a divide component.
now i want to create multiple lines connecting each of the points on the original curve with the corresponding point on the offset curve. when cranking up the slider for the division-number, the lines should update.

can someone please help me here?
i also attached the rhino file and the gh-definition

thanks in advance roberto

Views: 7564


Replies to This Discussion

thanks for your input, but i already tried the line component...
i want all the points on one curve automatically connect to the corresponding point on the other curve. and the connections should all update as the number of division segments grows
hi michael,
sorry for my too fast reply, meanwhile i also found out on my own:
its really as easy as you said: just simple lines
i didnt realise the difference between the P and the t output, stupid me...
so thanks again for the help

cheers roberto
I have a problem that is similar to this; I want to create curves between each of the division points of three divided curves.

Any help is very appreciated.


use the graft component on every list and then use a intcrv component or a polyline with the three lists (use the shift key to connect multiples wires)
Thanks Manuel, awesome.

Another thing that came up; Is it possible to divide a curve into segments with length derived from a projected line?

It's very simple to do this using the latest GH release:

Thanks Vincente, that's an elegant solution

where can i find the third component?


It's called Pathmapper

more can be found here





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