
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is there a way to import information from Google Earth, like roads and streets, orientation, altitude longitude and the elevation, using g Howl??? I noticed there is an option to export data to Google there is some sort compatibility between the two to transfer data...

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Hello Khizer,

As of now, the communication with Google Earth is one directional, in that we can send data to google earth, but not the other way.  We are working on receiving data such as relevant searches, photos, etc, but the roads, and terrain still remain locked.

Do you think in the future, there is a chance of unlocking the roads and terrain ... and what kind of searches you mean we have access to?

Do you think in the future, there is a chance of unlocking the roads and terrain

This is up to Google.  Once there was a way to bypass your OpenGL graphics card and grab the 3D data, but I think Google locked this out.


and what kind of searches you mean we have access to?

Evantually we should be able to input a location and get Google Earth to return nearby photos, etc... working on this poco a poco...






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