
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


There has been a lot of discussion about trimming surfaces and Breps with curves, but anyone what method to use to trim a curve with a Brep or surface?

I can't find one in the SDK, but searching the SDK is still a mystery for me.

I know there is a GH trim curve with brep component. It's perfect, giving outputs of curves inside and outside the brep, but when I use that my data structure gets flattened. I send in 95 paths of 5 and get out 475 paths of 1. That wont work for me downstream. I had the same problem with intersection of curves and surfaces, and when I scripted the intersection in VB the data structure was preserved (as long as didn't set the inputs as lists).

I hope someone can help.



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Hi Guy,

I use the Brep Curve intersector to find all the parameters on the curve where it intersect with the brep. Then I sort those parameters to make sure they are ascending, then I 'shatter' the curve at all these locations, giving me shards of curve. Finally, I test the midpoint of each shard to see if it's inside or outside of the cutting brep.

There is no trim function that does this out of the box.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you. I tried that approach but I created interval and a subcurve, it had problems. Your way is better. Also, thanks for creating grasshopper. The world is a better place.

- Guy






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