
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Creating a diagrid on a surface concentric to a point...

Im trying to create a diagrid structure to act as a roof. I have managed to create a diagrid but i want to tweak it so that wll the ribs centre in on a point on the surface rather than span from side to side. I need to do this so that the roof forms triangles at the centre so i can peel these back to form an oculus.. I've tried to explain what i want in a diagram attached, and also my previous attempt... see if you can understand, and then help...


Views: 744


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Hi Danny,

I've attached a definition which will help you with the first two steps*. It's relatively simple:

It uses the concept of "uv surface rays". I'll be explaining this later in a general post on custom polar grids on surfaces, but if you'd like a comment on this now, let me know.

*I assume you'll handle the diagrid from there.
Thanks Jacek,

Thats pretty much exactly what i want, i'll have a play around with it and see if i can get the desired outputs, look forward to your post in the future.





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