
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I have been having this problem since a few days now. Almost everytime I try to rotate/pan in rhino, it crashes. Does anyone have a solution??? I am using Windows Vista by the way.

Many Thanks

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Deepthi,

does this happen always, or only with a certain Grasshopper file loaded?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David!
Intitially I was thinking it was certain heavy GH files. But today when I was working with new GH files and say for example I made just a range or something, the same thing is happening again! I dont know whats wrong! Please help :(
Many Thanks
Ok, so it happens when Grasshopper is loaded. Does it also happen when there is no active document in Grasshopper?

The only thing which has been a consistent source of crashes in the Rhino display, is the OpenGL sprite drawing. You can disable it in the View menu. But, your symptoms do not sound similar, so I doubt it will be such an easy fix.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hey David,
Just now I was working in Rhino without opening GH at all, and there was no crashing like before - I was able to rotate and pan no problem. But when I closed Rhino, a small window came up saying 'Rhinoceros has stopped working'. So do you think there is some connection?
Many Thanks
I dare not say. Crashes on shutdown are usually due to wonky settings code (persistent settings get written to the registry and settings files on shutdown), or because null pointers are getting dereferenced (a common C++ bug).

What other plugins have you got installed besides Grasshopper?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Well none! I have only Grasshopper as a plugin! These are the windows and they are popping up every time I close Rhino. I have been using this software for just a few weeks now. :(

If Grasshopper is the only plugin installed, then it is most likely the cause of the problem.

However, you also mentioned that this error on shutdown happened without you using Grasshopper even once. Unless you run a Grasshopper command, the plugin is not loaded and none of the code inside Grasshopper will be executed.

I have no idea why Rhino+Grasshopper would suddenly start crashing when they were working before. If you didn't update Rhino, or Grasshopper, or your video-card drivers then the code that is crashing now is the exact same code that was working before. This points towards an environmental cause. But none of it is exactly a smoking gun.

You could try asking on the main Rhino forum if someone can help you determine what is crashing on shutdown, but chances are that once you mention Grasshopper is installed they'll send you back here :(

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
I get it as well, when I close Rhino it gives me an error. It does not happen every time. But at least 30% of the time. And only if I used Grasshopper for that session.
Oh! Does Rhino crash frequently on your system as well? Well the error thing is coming up even if GH was not used...
Aww :(
Well I did post a query over there. Lets see what happens!
Thank you
Hi Deepthi,

which version of microsoft windows Vista do you use?Have you adjourned the system to the sp1 or sp2?
which version of rhinoceros do you use?
Hey Luca,
Mine is a less than one month old laptop with Windows Vista SP2. So I am surprised to face this kind of problem! I am using Rhino 4.
Thank you






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