
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi again,

another "too basic" question, ...

where can i find the VBnet geometry codes to use for scripting in Grasshopper?

like addin' point, line, .. 


many thnXx ,

Views: 843

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Hi Araz,


in VB.NET, you need to work with the rhino document if you want to add/delete/transform/replace/etc geometry. For example:


Dim doc As RhinoDoc = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc

If (doc Is Nothing) Then Return

doc.Objects.AddPoint(New Point3d(4,6,7))


I check the doc variable for null because sometimes there might not be an actual document loaded in Rhino. This typically only happens during Rhino startup, Rhino shutdown or possibly during crashes, but in the future (and on the mac) Rhino might not have an active doc at all. You should always check the result of RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc for null.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks David;

is there any basic tutorial which contains introduction and description for the VB.NET commands ready to in Rhino (or GH), [e.g. doc.objects.]? .. for example like the one that exists for Rhinoscript inside Rhino (in Editscript help) and explains lots of "Rhino.blabla" functions..

'cause it's really needed sometime to script even in a basic level to reduce the GH components in the Canvasss..


Araz Azarnejad

There's so many of these classes and functions that a short introduction is very unlikely to cover anyone's specific needs. RhinoCommon documentation is part of the SDK, so you can often find additional information and examples here:



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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