
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, guys. I'm new to grasshopper and scripting in general, and having a bit of a problem with one of my scripts. I made a simple script that creates a specific truss between a set 3 curves. I set it up so the truss has uniform spacings.

Is there a way to repeat the script for mutiple sets of curves?

Every time I try to link more curves into the basic set, it connects all of them together, and makes a mess of things...

Views: 2428


Replies to This Discussion

Maybe this is what you're trying to do?




Thanks! That's exactly what I was trying to get.


Hmm, Murphy strikes again! I tried putting the script into my project file - fail. I tried putting the curves into a blank file - fail. Now I tried redrawing them manually, and it seems to work. The first 2 built frames are drawn by hand over the imported curves. For the third one, I selected the imported curves, and got this...


I'm going to redraw them manually, but I'm really wondering why this happens. Doesn't really make sense...


The curves have to go into the explode component in a specific order.  That may be the problem.



I selected them in the same order.

Only the curves I drew manually worked, the ones that were imported failed for some reason.

Can you post the file with the imported curves?


Ah, sry. Here they are.
just make all curves with the same direction (flip)






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