
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to create a sun ray diagram by connecting a grid of analysis points to sun points and then getting rid of those rays that intersect with breps. I managed to get the brep/curve intersection points but for some reason the resulting intersection overlap curve parameter is empty... Any ideas?

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The intersections between your brep and the curves are points only.

Intersection overlap curves are not the parts of the curves inside the brep, but the ones intersecting the brep boundaries. Well I think.

Have you seen the Ray Occlusion and Exposure components in the Mesh Tab?


Thanks for the replies, but I'm just trying to dispatch the curves into two lists--intersecting and non-intersecting

I think this achieves what you need.



What does the mass multiplication component do? How does it generate a culling pattern?

If the lines have no intersections then they cannot generate a new line and so produce a Null value for the length component. The next component produces a True result if Null therefore all curves that do not intersect have a corresponding value of 1, but because there are three objects to intersect with, they have to be handled separately, so whilst a curve might not intersect two of the objects producing a 1 value on corresponding branches of two different trees the same location holds a 0 for the intersection of the third object. Thus when the path mapper is used to combine all corresponding branches together you get three items 1,1 and 0. Mass multiply for that branch (1*1*0) will result in a 0 and therefore that curve intersected at least one of the objects.


That's exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much!






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