
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,


I've searched for the answer but am not finding the right clues. It is probably right in front of me but cannot find it.


I am using Grasshopper to build a regional intersection of two closed curves.  Then filleting the corners of the resulting curve with a radius. I then rebuild the curves with a new number of control points. All good so far.


However I now need to run the normal Rhino "Smooth" command on the resulting curve a few times to remove the lumps and get a good result. How to do this seemingly simple step? Where can I go to find examples of this approach? 


Assuming passing an id of the object to VBScript and accessing a Rhino Command, but lost.


Thanks for your time.



Views: 9134

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Hi Shaw,


smoothing means averaging the control points with the neighbours on both sides. There is no function that readily does this, you'll need to write it yourself. I don't think it will be very simple though, especially if you want to cater for periodic curves.


I did write a few smoothing algorithms for polylines (Rhino.Geometry.Polyline) so maybe you can use those, then convert the polyline points back into curve control-points.



David Rutten

Turku, Finland

Hi Shaw,


I attach here one example of smoothing an open polyline using the Laplacian Smoothing definition. It is here applied segment-by-segment.

The example itself is provided in all languages for Grasshopper:

- C#

- Vb.Net (not the same as VbScript)

- Python (for Rhino5 in external add-on, both with RhinoScript and RhinoCommon)


I hope this helps getting started,

- Giulio

McNeel Europe







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