
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,
I'd like to introduce myself, i'm new here and this is my first post.
I'm a product designer and i've been using grasshopper lately to create my parametric 3D files.  
My question is quite simple, I have a 3d voronoi wireframe created and now i have to sweep a 3x3 square section through all of the segments created by the voronoi wireframe. This has to be done with perp frames so that every section is swept perpendicular to the segment.
The problem is that the definition i've created is not working properly. First of all, I managed to use only 1 perp frame per segment (it was creating 2) with the list item component. Then i moved the squared section to be perfectly centered,  and then with those moved sections i used the 'sweep 1 rail' component. 
Now my problems:
1. Sometimes it doesn't sweep all the sections, don't know why.

2. The sweeping is curve!! surprisingly, it looks like it's adapting to other sections at the end of certain segments (where another segment with a different direction is starting) and I don't know how to fix this.

I attach the definition to see if anybody can help me.
Thanks very much, I've learnt a lot only reading this forum, you people are great! 

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Does this help ?

You were probably giving the wrong data structure to the sweep.

The one i used gives a frame on curve at parameter t.

The one you used gives N frames distributed over the curve.






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