
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,


Why when I bake this Def does GH add more "bricks" along the surface on each course?


It appears to bake double the amount that I require and on top of one another?? (there is a copy on top of each of the "bricks".


Also could someone please give me an idea on how to randomise the pattern.  Rather than the striated patterning I have?


I have attempted to input a "random" button defining amount of rotation and also how many intergers to have.  Although can not find where to put it.


(FYI I'm a bit of a newbie)


Cheers muchly,




Oh and it would be really great if someone could assist with not only randomising the rotation (xy) of the bricks, but also randomising their size.

Views: 619


Replies to This Discussion

Have a look at the box corners component! You only have to link the A to the upper pComp (adding two inputs to the pCpomp makes every brick twice


Best Regards



Thank you SO much Dedackelzucht!


Do you have any suggestions on randomising the bricks rotation or size?


Thanks again,



I would suggest an attractor! Or do you have an idea, but you do not know how to solve it!?

An idea,


I was considering adding a "random" button with values relating to rotation and size.  I just dont know where to insert them.


And there are bricks that follow the datum (or centre line) of the wall when baked.  These do not appear to rotate.

 I just made a fast defenition. That´s one way to do it! Play around with the 3 sliders at the end! You can add other math compontents, or move the cente  in x and y direction. How ever...I think this gives you a idea of how it could work.




I don't seem to be able to get it to function Deda, 


The two sliders don't seem to work and the other slider plugged into A/B is not connected.


Did you manage to vary size and/or rotation?


Thanks again for your help,



Which version do you use?


size and rotation are included




Hello DeDackel,


thanks for your time,  I was able to build most of the Def.  


What is the component "Rad" with d and r either side near the top right?





Thats a new component to change degrees to radiens. You can do that with a function as well, Rad(x)



BTW the "random" component needs to be removed from the definition, as it duplicates bricks too may times.


do you still need help? I was offline over eastern!






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