
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Good day!

My name is Irina. I and my 2 team mates(Alex and Tudor) are students
at DIA - Mastercourse (Dessau, Anhalt, Germany).
This semester we are working on developing the masterplan for the 2012
Olympics in London.
We've made several pattern studies and urban analysis and in the
process we have used also the magnetic field definition for

To make a general idea of what we are working on you can visit also
our blog:

Right now i am writing you because we are a little bit stuck and we
thought that you might be able to help us.
We are trying to use the magnetic field lines in our design but we
weren't able to make grasshopper draw them for us.
Do you think you could help us with that? Or at least give us some
good advice we could follow in order to make it happen?

Thanks alot!

Hope to hear good news any time soon now!

All the best!


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what program (& algorithm) were you using to generate these patterns?
if you are refering to the line patterns we used the electric field plug-in for rhino.
right now we are still trying to find out a way to generate the lines in grasshopper.
rhinoscript might also be an option but we haven't really began to experiment with it.
Any advances so far? =)

:) here's the outcome:


I'm interesting about the conceptual aprouch to this problem. It could be possible to see some pseudo-code schemes?


Nice work.


Best Regards.





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