
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



When resetting the lower value of the slider (say to 1, i.e. for scaling larger than current dimensions) Rhino crashes. 




Views: 463

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Hi Ronnie,


I've heard it a lot, but still haven't been able to reproduce. Whenever I try to set one of limits, the other one automatically updates to prevent a zero-range. How exactly do you set it? Do you drag digits or do you type the value? What slider mode are you in, floating point, odds, integers? If floating point, how many decimal places?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

And what Rhino version are you using? Is it V5 64-bit?

I am using Rhino5 64-bit.



1. Double-click the slider 

2. Modify lower limit to 1 (without changes made to upper limit)

3. Crash


I am experiencing the same crash every time I modify the slider in this way. If I modify the upper first the problem does not occur. 


Thank you. 


Can you test whether it also happens on Rhino4?

And "Modify lower limit" means dragging the digits up and down or are you typing in the number 1 using the keyboard?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
It only crashes with floating point and two or more decimal places. Dragging or typing then both cause a crash. Setting the min or max to be equal to each other or crossing the min and max crashes. Setting range to zero crashes it.

I am guessing this is the same bug as not being able to set a digit past the first decimal point in the editor. The only way I can get it not to crash (with two or more decimal points) is by changing the min to a positive number (say .8), then scrolling the tenths digit of the max smaller. They auto-adjust correctly until zero, then it crashes. Trying this with a negative minimum crashes it. Adjusting the tenths digit of the min larger toward the max does cause a crash.

Hope that helps. March 10 V5 WIP 64 bit on Win 7.






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