
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,


I would like to model a warped floor slab similar to SANAA's Rolex Center.  My principal criteria:

1) maintain a fixed perimeter footprint

2) maintain a uniform slab thickness

3) control y-axis variations anywhere along the slab

4) cut out holes from the slab


The goal is to "lift" a slab of uniform thickness at different places in the plan.  I'm not sure  if it is better to think of the lifted areas as contours.?


I would appreciate any advice.  Thank you.

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Don't you mean control Z-axis variations?  Controlling Y-axis variations seems to violate premise 1)Maintain a fixed perimeter.



Hi Chris, Thanks for your question.  To clarify, I did intend to say "Z" axis.  I know this is probably a straight forward operation for those with experience using grasshopper, I'm just having trouble getting started.  Did you have any thoughts on an effective way to proceed?


Best Regards, Matthew 



this might be a very basic(wrong) answer but could you:


1) draw the plan curves in rhino

2) make the slab in grasshopper using those curves as the base geometry

3) then u can adjust the original curves in rhino and the whole definition will respond








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