
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I'm a young architect student, and I can not solve my problem with  grasshopper. I have to remove a component from a branch, I succeeded with Tree Branch and cull nth, now I need to rebuild the tree, how can I do it?

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And what exactly is your problem? And can you perhaps share the actual file with the real data?

I have to rebuild the tree with that modified branch with branch tree and then with cull nth


You want to remove the {0;0;3;0} branch from the tree? Or do you want to do something to the curves in {0;0;3;0} but not the other curves in that tree?

If it's just removal of one or more branches, I recommend using [Split Tree]:

It allows you to define a rule (or, in the case of a specific individual branch, just the straight up notation used above) which is then applied to all the branches in the tree. If a branch adheres to the rule, it ends up in the [P] output. If not, it ends up in the [N] output (P=Positive, N=Negative). 

Come see from the file I have a tree obtained by crushing, in this tree I extracted the branch {0; 0; 3; 0} and to this branch I cut the index 4. Now I want to recreate the tree as it was before but with the branch {0; 0; 3; 0} changed

Then you still want to use the [Split Tree] component. Split it into {0;0;3;0} and everything else, remove the unwanted item from the {0;0;3;0} branch, then merge the two sub-trees together again in a Curve parameter or using a Merge component.

For example, this file uses Split Tree to extract a sequence of columns (read: branches) out of a grid (read: tree), then culls some of the items from those branches and then glues everything back together again.


Ok was what I wanted, thank you so much. One last question: is there a way to turn a cloded planar curve into a planar curve?

I don't follow. A closed planar curve is already a planar curve. Curves can be either open or closed, and they can be planar or non-planar.






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