
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am probably missing something big but I am at a loss for how to create multiple surfaces with a single command. What I want to do is use 20 sets of rails and cross section curves for a Sweep2 command and have all of them generate in the proper position. I have attached my work around where I extracted all of my cross section curves from a list but that is obviously a messy way to go about it and if I decide to change my number of holes it falls apart a bit.

I ended up adding section curves and doing Sweep2 when an attempt using loft used every line to make one big messy surface.

This is probably a data or tree issue but I haven't got that down yet and my tests in that sphere did not provide any answers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Views: 548


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Hi Mark,

you've understood the problem correctly and the way you've set it up with a number of list items gets the work done, even though it will fall apart as you say.

To make the sweep2 component use the first curves as rails and the first line as a section curve, do a sweep and then move along to the next set of curves and lines you'll need to add every new curve and line to a separate path.

Which is very simple with the new datatree components. Just add graft components Logic|Tree|Graft tree

Wow, thanks. I figured it would be simple to someone that knew what they were doing. I will be studying up on data trees much more thoroughly now.

Thanks very much for your help.






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