
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Question: How to meassure an Angle between a Vector and a Plane?

Hi all,

so I'm working on this design that operates based of the angle of the sun, is still a concept but I got stuck in at one point where I need to calculate the position of the sun to the device... since there are going to be multiple units facing different directions, each unit will be calculated differently based of their respective plane.

The following screenshots can explain the situation a little better

So Lets say the vector is pointing from the operating unit to the position of the sun, an the plane underneath is where I would like to measure the angle from

this second picture shows how each unit should function, so the measured angle doesn't exceed 90 degrees. what I did is zeroed the z value for the sun position to get a project vector. The problem with this solution is that it only works for XY planes, where I need to have a lot of planes that are specific for each unit and its orientation.

Help would be much appreciated

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It's 0.5*pi (or 90 degrees) minus the angle between the vector and the plane normal direction.

how can I get the Plane's Normal direction...?

Also, another question...

I've done this a long time ago but how can I assign a plane a surface?

Thanks & Regards,

You can just plug any plane into a vector parameter and you'll get the normal vector. Or you can use [Deconstruct Plane] if you want to be specific about it.

You can use the [Plane Surface] component to turn your planes into surfaces.






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