
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

At the moment I am trying to familiarise myself with tutorials of grasshopper online; I am looking for tutorials that deal with bridge design, component geometries, how to use multiple attractors etc... or anything else you could think of that might help me along my way with designing a bridge within grasshopper.

If you can think of anything to get me started I would appreciate the help. I look forward to hearing from you,

Thank you,


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Can you be more specific about the structural style of the bridge?


Hey Chris, 


I am interested in working with a foot bridge, with a long span.

So structurally I am looking at are;

-space frames

-suspended deck

-cable net


Does this help?

Do you have any graphic references you can post?  How long is long and what are you spanning across?


For projects with many physical components you need to have some skill with data tree management so be on the lookout for that.  Remember too that the more specific you can be with questions about any element of your design the easier it is to get going in some direction even if changes will be made down the line. 


Be sure to check out Jon Mirtshin's 'GeomertyGym'. 




I doubt that this is very efficient but it gives the idea of a basic module being repeated and perhaps some of what might be involved in  developing a space frame.




hi i was looking for space frames and i found this discussion, very interesting.

i'm actually trying to make a space frame between two carve surfaces, in which the modules are perpendicular to the surface... may be out of normal lines... do you have a suggestion for me to look at?

thank you

Hi Jess,


You can find a sample model of a bridge in Grasshopper at this post on my blog and a couple of others feature other structural models including space frames.  If you do have something specific in mind, post some more details and we'll see what might help.






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