
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a set of points (A) pulled by 3 other points (B,C,D). B,C, and D are only pulling the closest to themselves. Is there a way to find out how many points are pulled to B,C, and D individually?

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Can you post the definition?


this definition is made to see if any bus route in my country (Costa Rica) in doing well and if not what to fix, what i needed to know is exactly where to put the bus stops and how many people will use them, hence the first question. The A point being density of people and b,c,d etc the bus stops.

The Pull component is a bit limited in its output, where as, if you use the Closest Point Component you get an index of which point is the closest. From this index you can find the group of points around it and using mass addition find their totals.

Note that this only works with the graft applied to the index input of the equals component.


Some more ideas for you. In the attached file I've distributed the stops based on the averaging of the CPs of the grid to the bus route. Also I've added a gradient to highlight areas of higher than average catchment numbers.


Sorry I wasn't around, i just saw your replay, thank you so much it really helped my project. Thanks for taking the time and patience to build such a great solution.








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