
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Currently I'm trying to check the deployability  of some scissor structures (a barrel vault typology).
I've written 2 scripts, the first one for the parametrization of the
topology (number of arcs + number of scissors in each arc + the
'folding' mechanism of each scissor). This by using arrays (by use of
series) of rotation and move commands on a base element (line model of
1 scissor)
A second script is written to parametrize the scissor itself. (thickness & height of the bars, hinge etc.)
So far so good, but when I link the scissor script in the topology script,
I loose an ammount of info at the output of each rotation command. For
example, the hinge or the bar itself disappears. Using 'flatten' on the
previous steps doesn't help. Combining the different parts of the
scissor into a 'geometrie' or 'tree' doesn't help either.

When inserting the scissor legs as fixed geometries (parametrize, bake and
attach into the script again) , it works, but then I lose its instant
adaptability. Using not using series as array-generator works fine as
well (by using a fixed number of move and rotate command), but then the
number of arcs and number of scissor in each arc isn't adaptable

Has anyone encountered a similar problem and knows a solution?


Sye Nam

Views: 1565

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Sam,

I am wondering if you ever found a solution for this? I am currently starting an assignment on this and would love to know if you resolved it or not.







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