
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am new to grasshopper and am trying to complete my first Voronoi Skeletal Structure. I am working off of a tutorial from FormulARCH

I have installed both weaverbird and exoskeleton as recommended. However despite many searches I cannot find the component in the definition titled "IN".

Might anyone have an idea of what the full name of that component is? I've included a screenshot of the definition provided in the tutorial and a close-up of the component in question.

I am running build 0.9.0076 of grasshopper.


Views: 497


Replies to This Discussion

hi, its the point in brep component

Thank you for your response! Could you further clarify what you mean by that? Where would I go within grasshopper to place that component on my canvas?

Thank you!

its under surface>analisis

Thank you very much!

Perhaps I could ask one more question? In the definition the BBox component has a U input. There doesn't seem to be one in the new version. Might you know a workaround? When I right click on the component and select union it still errors. I've attached a screen shot of the issue.
Thank you!

maybe it would help if you could attach the file

just by seing the picture, i think you should feed the c output of the oronoi in the bbox instead of the b






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