
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everyone,

First things first, I'm new to grasshopper!

I've been plotting the points of accomodation types within Iceland (oh the joys of Architecture school!) I'm having trouble "seperating" out the points, as obviously there is more than one hotel / b&b in most towns.

Is there a Rhino / Grasshopper command that can seperate the points from each other, so that when I plot them as circles they wont be directly over each other?

Hopefully the screenshot below will help



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First, make the points AWAY from each other. Then, use grasshopper to DEFINE those points.

Grasshopper needs the x and y co-ordinates of your points. Then you will APPLY the script and further parameters to do the MAGIC. 

Hi, Sorry what do you mean by "make the points away from each other"

The points were generated by the Trivago API locations, which I then Geo-coded into Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates. Some of the locations just gave the location of the town rather than specific address, meaning lots of the points end up over each other. 

Theres nearly 1000 co-ordinates overall so I'm looking for an automated rather than manual soluion :)

Here's one possible solution. First I use the [Cull Duplicates] component to 'merge' all coincident points into their average location. I then use these new points (only unique coordinates here) and create circles on them whose radius is associated with the number of original points that share the same location. Ie. if there was only one point there, the circle is very small, if there were lots of points in the same place, the circle gets bigger. Finally I divide each circle using the number of points that went into making it.

You may not like the way the final points are positioned of course, but it shows one approach which is pretty amenable to modification.


Hi David, 

that's a great idea, 

Thank you!






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