
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I have a very simple lofted surface; 2 curves of different length lofted together. I'm trying to get the surface evenly divided. Not with isotrim, but in such a way that it's in squares of even sizes. I know that that would mean that at some of the edges, there would be a cut square, but that's ok. For the moment, this is just at conceptual design stage. Ultimately, Isotrim is not what I'm looking for.

As a background, we're exploring the idea of a dynamic facade for an upcoming project. The idea is that we would have small, square modules manufactured that would have a flap that would flutter in the wind, and we're just exploring it as a concept for now. The plan is to have perfectly square cells on the surface that I could then do a box morph of these modules into them, but the cells need to be square to begin with!

So far, I've been trying a few approaches. Contouring the surface gives me the right vertical divisions, but that's where I'm stuck. I've tried a few things with horizontal frames to try to figure it out, but with no such luck. This is the extent of where I get to. Anyone have any suggestions of how I might approach this?



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Hello Neily,

you can try searching this forum for kangaroo plugin, planarization of quad panels on surfaces.



while I'm looking at kangaroo (that actually looks like it could be useful for a bunch of other things), I've a slightly different approach that I think will have the effect I'm looking for. After all, this is still just conceptual!

What I've done is taken those contour lines, and divided them by a fixed distance. I now have a bunch of points on the surface which I plan on using as centerpoints for the panels. The next step is to get a normal to the surface at each of these points. However, when I tried to use evaluate surface at these points, the points that evaluate surface gives me are waaay off the surface. Any suggestions?


Never mind, i got it! For anyone's reference, I used surfacecp to find uv points on the surface, then plugged that into evaluate surface.






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