
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

anyone know a good data tree tutorial?

I am pretty new at grasshopper, and need to make a voronoi pattern that has each voronoi ring as a separate polyline but still editable by points so I can edit them in the future. Previously, I was baking the voronoi pattern, tracing it with a normal polyline and then taking those polylines back to grasshopper to continue to work with, but they are no longer editable by the points which I used to create the voronoi pattern in the first place.

Is a data tree the best way? Anyone know what else would work if data tree is not the right way?


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Yes data tree is what makes that possible. In the latest 0.6.0018 build of Grasshopper there is a Voronoi component that will output each cell as a polyline curve.

wow thanks... that was remarkably easy... haha. had the earlier version and it was driving me nuts! haha





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