
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i'm updating a VB.NET Component Because the original code were in a old GH version.

I searched in RhinoCommon develope and found "IntersectionEvent"

I replaced:

"Dim hit As New OnX_Event" by "Dim hit As New IntersectionEvent"

But The software Said that the type it not definite

What is wrong?

Views: 302

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Post the dinosaur.

Other that that ... see this (Curve/Plane) for example:

BTW: Get this as well (rather entry point training material for my people in my practice): has more intersections than Sahara has grains of sand.


Thanks Peter.

Si un tipo no está definido quiere decir que ningún espacio de nombres importado encuentra ese tipo. 

Si estás desde VS podrías importar Rhino.Geometry.Intersect, sino tienes que acceder al espacio de nombres y seleccionar el tipo:

 Dim hit As New intersect.IntersectionEvent.






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