
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to map a custom geometry in some random points. 

When I do so by creating a plane in each point, I can only map geometries such as circles, or polygons, but cant do so with a custom geometry.

As you can see, cicles are created in each plane center, but the geometry isnt

Thank you in advance,

Victor Perez

Views: 4726


Replies to This Discussion

Well, its not quite so simple. The circle has an input for the plane, which is the point where the geometry is created.

Your custom geometry does not have a creation point and the Geo node has a geometry input and geometry output. For anything that you want to move somewhere, you have to use a move node and create a vector (distance and direction of movement). If you mouse over any input or output it will show you some more information about the input and the data type it is expecting.

If you plug the points into the Geo node it doesn't become red, because a point is also a geometry, but in that case will override whatever you have set in it (by right-clicking and "set one geometry") - it will only remain there if you dont plug in anything from the left.

Here is the fixed tryout. In the file just set your custom geometry again by selecting in Rhino and then right-click on Geo and select "set one geometry".

You should have a look at these introduction videos by David Rutten (creator of Grasshopper):


Thank you, that was really helpful






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