
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to distribute a solid on a surface with equal distances?

Hello everyone, 

I've been trying to figure out how to array my solid on a surface to create sort of patterns. The script I'm using is not giving the result I like to have.. I'm wondering if it would be possibile to ask grasshopper to array my solids with equal distances from one another so that I get a more regular result?

This is the algorhytm i use

and this is the result I get..

However my aim is to create a pattern more like this one

Any ideas? 

Thanks in advance

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The reason that it is not working as expected is the way a circular surface is divided. It will basically cut it like slices in a pie, meaning the distance between the cornerpoints will increase as you get further from the center.

To get something like in the picture you provide will require some different logic, none of which will be particualrly simple. I can think of 1) circle-packing: this approach uses several iterations to fill the surface with circles and move them so they dont touch each other. Have a look around the forum, but its definitely advanced level stuff.

The other way would be to find some sort of pattern and tweak it till it fits. You could have a look at how for example a sunflower arranges its seeds (in spirals) or try to replicate one of the patterns above (pentagons on the left and circles on the right). Print them out and draw the lines that are used, maybe you can find a pattern.



thank you this helped a lot but I see you insert the parameteres manually in terms of distribution , is it possibile to have an automatic calculation of distancing between the set of arrays so that you can modify them all at once?







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