
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have use the Weave component to make sure that my curves are in the right order.

But as soon as I have an empty input, I get an error on the output.


So I switch to merge, it seems working but I not sure if this node will keep always the same order for the output.



Do you know if the merge node will always keep the same order.

If so what is the difference between Weave and Merge.


If not how I can feed Weave with null input?



See attached my GH file


Thank you


Views: 884


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Davoud,

If you are inputting each curve individually into an input, Merge is fine., It will keep the order you input the wires in, obviously skipping past the null (so the fourth curve you input is actually in position 3)

Weave is useful when you have two lists with several objects in each, and you want to combine them into one list, in a particular order (that order being the "Pattern")

So if you have a list with letters: A, B, C, D, E, F... into input 1

And a list of numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... into input 2

With the pattern: 1, 1, 2

The output of the weave would be A, B, 1, C, D, 2, E, F, 3...

Until it runs out of list.

Hope that helped!


i think weave is better used to create data trees (branches) 

so A will be with 1 in a separate list ( the first branch )




and you can add patterns ( first list , second list, third list) 

or (first list, second list, first list)

Hi John Porral 

Unfortunately, merge do not keep my order.

Can I enter in the pattern, if the input is null got to the next one?

Hi Davoud, so what output are you looking for? Let's work back from that

Hi John,

So at the beginning of my GH file, I have 20 pipeline for curve.  And some of the pipeline will be empty.

I was using Weave to make sure that they are in the right order. but because, some input are empty I'm not able to get an Output

I just need to have my curve in the right order at the end to do a network surface.

Thank you

In that case, I still think Merge is fine. If you make sure you input the curves in the correct order, the only reason a Merge would change the order would be if they were coming in in different paths. Try flattening the inputs before merging?

Hi John Porral 

Now it works. thank you i forgot to flat my input



did you try Entwine component?

Hi  Mohamed Naeim,

I try but this not work for me because this do not remove "null"

When are you using this node?

Thank you for your help







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