
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all.

I am trying to create a Network Curve and am unsure what I should input for the:

Curves U

Curves V 


I have written a script for the overall structural design [which i detail in the photo below and is also present in the script], however I am having problems joining this script to the lofted surfaces I have created. Therefore I am now trying to go about it another way by creating a Network Surface, but my unfamiliarity with the software means I keep hitting problems. 

If anyone has any suggestions I would love you forever!



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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Christian, 

Your lofted surface appears to be working fine? Do you mean that the lofted surface will not let you continue doing the next step in your script? 

Hi Jennifer,

Yes the lofted script works. The real problem here it connecting the structural script I have created in the model to each one of the columns. This keeps failing with the current loft.

So I was trying to rebuild it using a Network Surface but am unfamiliar with how to use it.

If you have any advice on how to attach the structural script to the lofted columns I would really appreciate it.




Well the network surface works with curves that go in two directions. So right now you have the cross section curves, which are the circles that you lofted. What you could do is section your loft to get vertical curves. Then you would plug your circles into the U input and the vertical curves into the V. Your continuity is just how much it will be interpolated or the smoothness of the surface. You can input the numbers to see what setting you prefer.

Hi Jennifer,

I have already created a cross-section through each of the columns [four cross sections in total] to create a section to loft from for the V input. I then tried to input this into the V input but I get an error message bounce back which says 'at least two curves are needed in the V Direction'. I then split the data in two to input but got the same message bounce back.









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