
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

here's my first experiment with grasshopper, and I'd like to request a little help: I am trying to create a linear array of an object (a tile) where each tile gets rotated by a pre-defined set of values: 0, 90 or 270 degrees.

The goal is to create an architectural wall with these rotated tiles.

I can't seem to make this pseudo-random rotation work. Can someone help me grasp this?

Thank you!

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Yes! Precisely like this. Thank you very much for your help.

Altough, I am having a runtime error in the "RAD" component: "1. Data conversion failed from Text to Number" (some values are reported as "null").

Perhaps a bug in Grasshopper for Mac?

Got it working. Had to recreate the "predefined rotation angle" component / values. Perhaps some odd character in there was confusing the parser, making it evaluate some values as null, breaking the whole system. It works! Thanks again.





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