
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

Many thanks if you could advise me solutions for those issue:



I have an object "A"/ 1 curve

Target: array this object along the curve but node "1" in each object will be different depend on is odd/even order.

Let say: 0,2,4,6... remain as original object

1,3,5,7...: move up.



Another issue. Is it possible to pack the object into a "group" then array a whole set?

For now I need to plug each elements in the object to array function, it causes bunch of wires and hard to control.



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BTW: this is a very naive draft. Trusses of that type are not made that way (nor the "connecting" members). I could do it properly but only using code (for my convenience).

BTW: The proper way to do this is to orient only the points, then make a combo tree out of them and then make a real-life truss that supports itself, can withstand seismic forces  and supports the roof. The recommended way to do that using native components is via Relative Items. (avoid anything else)


Thank you my Lord :). It's exactly what I need. Need to spend time to learn more components :)

Task for you:

Forget lines: sample all involved points in a List > group > orient > ungroup > DataTree > ... then try to figure out a proper structurally capable system using Relative Items (or in an emergency: post the DataTree).





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