
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!


I am new with Grasshopper, and i think that my imaginations is still over my Grasshopper knowledge... and because of this now i am totally stucked with this project, so i hope that someone can gide me a little bit!


Is about a building with worm shape, with rings structure defined by curves and a resultant skin surface.


My problems are this:

1. i have problems to undestand the Sweep1 command, so, to make the section profil of the rings structure, i took the PFrames component but i am not too much convinced about this, because i need to put many control points to have a uniform surface.


2. i don't want to cover all the worm with the skin surface, only the half (it will be something like a roof) and after many mistakes and frustation, i decide to bake the V curves of the surface, and Loft a new one with them. I am not agree at all with this solution, because i cannot change the shape of my building anymore!:-(. but maybe is not possible to do this, i really don´t know.


3. My ilussion is, after solve this basic problems, become the simple surface in a voronoi surface with holes, because i don't understand how it works. i read many discussions in the forum, but i cannot make it. i want to define a voronoi 2d surface and apply it to the surface of my project.


i hope that my explanations are enough clear to understand!!

many things to solve and many many many things to i have to know.

thank you very much!!

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This will get you the partial roof.  Probably not as efficient as it could be.




wow Chris thanks a lot!!!!

it work perfect, as i wanted! this program is incredible!!


Now i can fight with the project with a one less problem!

thanks again







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