
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Ladybugers and Honeybeeers,


I would like to use this medium to spread the word about a paper that might provide guidance and support in the implementation and use of complex frameworks using LBHB.


The paper depicts a framework for optimizing passive performance by exploring elements such as geometry, building orientation, fenestration configurations, and shading devices in response to particular program requirements, site-specific constraints, and climate conditions.


ASHRAE 90.1 was used as compliant reference model for four different climate zones, incorporating real sites and urban overshadowing conditions. The results showed improvements within a range of 4% to 17% in Energy Use Intensity reduction, while improving daylighting within a range of 27% to 65%, depending on the location and climate.


Overall, the framework provide guidance to make more informed decisions in early-stages of design, where as many know, the impacts can be the greatest.


If interested, please visit one of the following links:

Elsevier Publication. Free download option until February 24


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Nice work Alejandro. Thanks for sharing!

Nice work! Thanks for sharing this.

Is it possible to share the paper here? Can't get the free download option mentioned in the link.

(Sigh where's my academic access)

Kind regards,


Theodore, Did you try the link on the top of the page?

Ye, it's purchase on my side :( Maybe region issues?

It's ok, I'm sure I'll have a chance to take a look at it soon. Thanks!

Duh that worked!

Thanks Mostapha, my bad.

Kind regards,


Excellent work...

Young inexperienced architects (like me) need more like this. Just checked the rates $36 = 235.17 Chinese Yuan, that's like a week worth of food here XD.

Thanks for the resource, gonna read the hell out of it.

Excellent work. Thanks for sharing!






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