
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

help! select lines with the same start (or end) point)

I need some help with this.

I have a list of lines that forms triangles and i want to create a reciprocal structure with telescopic pipes but as you see in the pictures two segments starts at the same point. Mi cuestion is How can i flip or rotate one of the two segments to have a reciprocal triangle? I'll appreciate any help Thanks!

What i have now

What i want

Views: 2033


Replies to This Discussion

Hello Hugo,

one way could be to arrange the three points according to a incircle curve of the triangle. that way you can have sequentially your points. Components to use InCircle, found in tab curves/primitive and SortAlongCurve found in tab Vector/point.



Rereading my post, i thought i might add, that with the suggested method, you don't need to check which curves need flip, because with the order points your polylines segments will have same "direction".

Thanks alex for your ideas i finally resolved with daniel's method, i had all the vertices in a flatten list so i couldn't use incircle.

In any case, Thank you very much. Hugo

I think that it should be sufficient with:
> Join the lines in a polyline/triangle,
> Extract points of triangle,
> Create a new polyline with those points,
> Explode new polyline into three segments.

Hi daniel!

Your method works! thank you very much! Sometimes easiest problems are the worst to solve.


The trouble is that the flat list of lines is random, not organized as triangles.

yeah! but i hadn't other way to union these points, at the end what i needed it was order my list. Daniel's method work perfect!

Oh really?  Show us please?

The join curves component connects them if they are geometrically linked (and separated in groups of three lines).

Ah, so!  Of course.

i've forgot to attach an example file! Thank i'm gonna try your ideas






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