
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I'm trying to translate a "rotate object" GH operation into Python (from this thread, and in linked file as well). I'm having serious issues with the rs.orientobject command, in that I can't seem to place the reference and target vertices in the way that the linked thread did. I know this is just due to my lack of understanding of the syntax. I've tried to simplify my test code if anyone can provide some insight into what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to do everything without tree structures and this would be the beginning of a larger script containing a variable number of 'plots'. Thanks for any help or thoughts. 

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Easy task, "wrong" language he he (do you have a C#>P translator?)

Haha. Probably. But I still want to achieve this in Python. I don't have such a translator unfortunately. 

Your only hope: a PGS (P Good Samaritan)

And here's a simple Orient (i.e. Transform Plane to Plane) and Rotate (i.e. Transform Rotate) exercise for your C# to P translation adventures.

It orients the (disoriented) Lord and if rotate != 0 ... it does the rotation as well.

Load R file first.

Next exercise: doing the same with instance definitions at 1/1000th of the time.


Wow, thanks for the links and this C code... I had no idea a 'translator' actually existed. That's, well, amazing to me. Going to check this and your tool out now.

In the meantime, I do hope that someone can point me into the right direction as far as what I did wrong with my own script (which uses rhinoscriptsyntax and not rhino common--I know, I should learn the latter), it's much appreciated. 

When you are deep in the right path ... remind me to mail you the Zorg Urban Planning (C)(TM)(Zorg Patent Pending) case:


1. Zorg soil is black

2. Zorg Z is null

3. Zorgian roads are 0 width - i.e. lines (everybody does the anitgravity thingy) and unfinished (Zorgians never finish a thing or two). Quad parcels are prohibited by Z Law.

4. If the yielding region (parcel) is a triangle > a tower is made. No other plan shape is accepted (by The Z Law) not o mention blobs: Zaha do you copy?.

5. If the yielding region (parcel) is a pentagon > a park is made (Zorgian flora is pink).

6. If there's even a single octagon (parcel) around > the designer is lobotomized.






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