
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm new to grasshopper and trying to adopt myself to this wonderful world. Having said that I will come up with bunch of questions while I'm trying to achieve my goals.

I tried to make a curve like this but I failed each time:

I wonder if there is anyway to make such a curve with two point and single vector in grasshopper.


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I think I solved the problem. Here is my approach:

GH file:

But what is the condition of the curve at the other end?

In 3DsMax you have the ability to define a vertex in spline as a "corner, bezier corner, bezier or smooth". The image I uploaded first was first point bezier corner and the second one corner. In this  situation only the first tangent vector controls the whole curve.

In Grasshopper since I couldn't find any option like that. Each bezier-spline curve should have a vector at each point. So, in order to have the form (scenario) I was looking for, I defined the second vector by a two point vector from 2nd point to 2nd point itself. But in a case that I would like to have a control on that point too, I can define the 2nd vector as a vector which starts from 2nd point to a point on the line which passes through the end point of first vector.

Its the geometry which have been used in Iranian arches.

Oh I see. I attached my attempt.


Nice... David.

Your arch file was written by a newer version of Grasshopper than available to public(?) -> "Archive file written with newer version: 0.9.0077"

Does this mean there is a new version on the way?! ;-)

BTW: Happy new year to you... !

The version of Grasshopper that is part of the Rhino6 beta has a number of bug fixes since 0.9.0076. Nothing major though.





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