
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

If I look the model farther (larger distance) in shaded mode, all  grasshopper elements are visible, even though they should be invisible due to the mesh in front of them. The appearance becomes normal only when I look the model from close distance. It is really tiring, because If I want to check something I have to zoom in all the time. Is there a setting when the model looks the similar If looked from close distance?

Views: 445

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it would be helpful if you could provide a screenshot so we know exactly what you're talking about. You might try disabling "bump preview" from the display settings pulldown - I have a hunch this is the source of your problem. More info on various display settings here:

I Enclose A pair of images. Closer and a farther look of the same model.

I am using Grsshopper 0.9 0076 But bump preview is missing from my list.

This does look like a Bump Preview issue. Are you certain that it is missing from the list? Can you send a screenshot of the "Preview Mesh Quality" menu from your toolbar - from under the "blue ball" icon as seen in the screenshot? I've never encountered an installation of Grasshopper 0.9.0076 that lacked this option. 

Thank you very much Andrew! That was it! Finally I have found the button.

It was such nice present for me for New Year! :)





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